Dr Eliana Stavrou is leading the MSc Cybersecurity programme at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) Cyprus. She is also the founder and director of the Applied Cybersecurity Research Lab, a member of the Laboratory of Security and Forensic Research (SAFe Lab) hosted by UCLan UK and a member of InSPIRE (Interdisciplinary Science Promotion & Innovative Research Exploration) Center.
Her research interests include the protection of critical infrastructures, security in the IoT, intrusion recovery and threat profiling. She has also a strong interest in cyber security education, training and capabilities development. She has developed the syllabus of a number of security related modules and she has prepared relevant educational material. Dr. Stavrou is leading and delivering training workshops on specialized cybersecurity topics to diverse audiences (e.g. young people, policy makers, high-level executives, IT personnel, etc.). Highlights of her training activities include the design and delivery of cybersecurity workshops targeting primary to higher education and the general public. She has also developed and delivered training sessions to national and EU governmental and other organizations.
She has published a number of scientific papers at premier international journals and conferences and has supervised several MSc students focusing on topics in the context of cybersecurity capabilities development. She has been the author/co-author and prime investigator of a number of successful ICT and cybersecurity-related R&D proposals funded by FP5, FP6, FP7, EUREKA, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the Cyprus Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Trade, under the Programme for Business Innovation. Some of these projects include: ASPIDA, SKINIKO, PKI academic pilot, UNITE, 4GOPEN, LocMe, e-MINDER, DITIS, etc.