Emerging Technologies and Systemic Risks

Image: IBM Research on Flickr (CC2.0)
This webinar was organised by the Oxford Martin School as part of its webinar series. Professor Sadie Creese and Dr Jamie Saunders, Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC), discussed this with Professor Sir Charles Godfray and the steps that need to be taken by technologists, businesses, government and the international community to ensure that our digital infrastructure can continue to provide the level of resilience and security we need.
The pandemic has accelerated digitisation across many sectors of the economy and society. It is hard to imagine how many countries could have implemented lockdown measures to control the virus without the availability of digital technology to maintain at least a degree of economic and social activity. This technology has been remarkably resilient in the face of the increased demand. While there has been a perceptible increase in criminal activity seeking to exploit our increased dependence on IT during the pandemic, overall our systems and networks have held up well. This provides some confidence that the significant investment that government and business have made in operational resilience and cybersecurity over the past 10 years have paid off. However, future technology will bring a digital world of increased complexity, pace, scale and interdependence that will overwhelm many of the risk mitigations that are currently deployed. Without interventions now, it will be difficult to maintain the integrity of and trust in the technology on which we increasingly depends. How confident can we be that the technology will prove equally resilient and secure in the event of a future major shock? In particular, is our collective approach to managing cyber risks sustainable in the face of the major technology trends taking place in the near future?
We will update scheduled GCSCC events here
The weakest link? Digital technology and Cyber Security capacity building in Developing Countries
The world gets more interconnected, and the dependency of cyberspace and its infrastructure is now evident in most sectors. As the cyber domain is only as strong as the weakest link – there is a need for building security standards across countries to minimize threats.
Cyber threats and risks are particularly challenging for developing countries and nations affected by conflict and fragility. Therefore, there is a need for specific efforts toward those countries, as they are developing digital and physical infrastructures while being characterized by weak institutions, poor governance mechanisms, and limited resources.More info to come.
The webinar is part of the research project C3SA, and is connected to NUPI's Centre for Cyber Security Studies.
Speakers bio:
Chris Painter is a globally recognized leader and expert on cybersecurity and cyber policy, Cyber Diplomacy and combatting cybercrime. He has been on the vanguard of U.S. and international cyber issues for over twenty five years—first as a prosecutor of some of the most high-profile cybercrime cases in the country and then as a senior official at the Department of Justice, FBI, the National Security Council and finally the State Department. He has initiated, helped drive, or advised on virtually every major U.S. cyber policy for over a decade and has created innovative new organizations and approaches to deal with threats and take advantage of opportunities in cyberspace.
Carolin Weisser Harris is the Lead International Operations at the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC), based at the Department of Computer Science. In this role, she is responsible for stakeholder engagement and the deployment of the centre’s flagship Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM). She has co-authored a number of CMM reviews in Africa, Asia and Europe and contributed to best practice guides and diverse research outputs in the field of cybersecurity capacity-building.
Dr. Andrea Calderaro is the director of the Centre for Internet and Global Politics, a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations/School of Law and Politics, and a member of the Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Analytics at Cardiff University. He holds his PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute. His research and teaching centers on the Internet and International Affairs, with a particular focus on transnational governance of the cyber domain, cybersecurity, cyber capacity building, cyber diplomacy, the Digital divide, and the role of the EU in the global internet policy debate.
Patryk Pawlak is the EUISS Brussels Executive Officer. In this capacity, he maintains and develops relations with other Brussels-based institutions. In addition, he is in charge of the cyber portfolio, leading the Institute’s cyber-related projects and contributing to its outreach activities. Since June 2016, he is a member of the Advisory Board of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise. His work on cyber-related issues and the European Union’s security policies more broadly has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes.
Get more details about this event and how to register here
- CMM 2021 Edition Launch Webinar (March, 2021) Webinar presentation slides
- Stakeholder Engagement in Cyber Policy - Webinar (March, 2021)
- Emerging Technology and Systemic Risks - Maintaining a secure and resilient digital infrastructure as we build back better.(March 2021) video recording
- Africa Cyber Fellows Meetings, Mauritius/London (2019)
- Africa Endeavor (US AFRICOM), Cape Verde (August 2018)
- APT Cybersecurity Forum, Seoul (September 2018)
- Chatham House “Cybersecurity in the Commonwealth” Meetings, London/Addis Ababa (2018-2020)
- Chatham House Cybersecurity Conference, London (June 2019)
- Chevening Fellows Western Balkan and India meetings, London/Oxford (2016-2020)
- CTO Conference, London (June 2018)
- Cybercrime Conference Cambridge (July 2018)
- CYBERSEC Brussels Leaders Foresight (2018-2019)
- CYBERSEC Global (2017-2018)
- CyFy, New Delhi (2015 and 2020) Video of CMM presentation 2020
- EuroDIG, Burssels and Tallinn (2016 and 2017)
- EU Cyber Direct "Closing the Gap" Conference, online (July 2020)
- EU Cyber Forum, Brussels (April 2019)
- Expert Workshop on Multistakeholder Approaches to National Cybersecurity Strategy Development, London (March 2019)
- FCO Commonwealth Cyber Programme Implementers' Meetings, London (October 2018-2020)
- FCO International Cybersecurity Capacity Building Conference, London (September 2019)
Freeths Specialist Panel Discussion on Cyber Resilience for Now and Tomorrow (September 2020)
- GCSCC Annual Conference, Oxford (2014-2019)
- GCSCC-OCSC Annual Conference, Melbourne (February 2020)
- George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Program in Cyber Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (2015-2019)
- GFCE Annual Meeting, The Hague/Washington D.C./Brussels/Singapore/Addis Ababa/Online (2015-2020)
- GFCE Pacific Regional Meeting, Melbourne (February 2020)
- GFCE V Meetings, online (April-June 2020)
- GFCE Working Group Meeting, The Hague/Singapore (2018-2019)
GigaNet Annual Symposium (2020) presentation slides
- Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS), Seoul/The Hague/New Delhi (2013-2017)
International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, CYBER, Athens (2018)
- Internet Governance Forum, João Pessoa/Guadalajara/Geneva/Paris/Berlin (2015-2019)
- ITU National Cybersecurity Strategy Regional Workshops, Skopje/Tunis/Melbourne (2019-2020)
- ITU Cyber Drill, Cyprus (2018)
- ITU Cyber Drill Global "Cyber Crisis Management Planning: How to reduce Cyber Risk and increase national Cyber Resilience" (October 2020)
- OAS-GCSCC Cybersecurity and Democratic Processes Workshop, Oxford (February 2019)
- OAS-GCSCC Preliminary CMM review results validation workshop, Brasilia (March 2019)
- OAS Regional Report presentation (2016 and 2020)
- OSCE Cyber-ICT Security Day (June 2020)
- OSCE Inter-Regional Conference on Cyber/ICT Security, Seoul (May 2019)
- Parliamentarians from Commonwealth Countries, by the Commonwealth Parliamentarians Association and the Oxford Martin School, Oxford (February 2020)
- Research ICT Africa workshop for the establishment of a Cyber Policy Centre in the Global South, Stellenbosch (2018)
- RightsCon, San Francisco and Tunis (2016 and 2019)
- THREAT 2019, Johannesburg (June 2019)
TPRC48 Conference (2021)
- UN HQ Conference, New York (May 2019)
- UNIDIR-CSIS workshop “The Role of Regional Organizations in Strengthening Cybersecurity and Stability: Experiences and Opportunities”, Geneva (January 2019)
- University of Cape Town, Cyber Security Conference, Cape Town (July 2019)
- World Bank ECOWAS Cyber Security Clinic, Accra (October 2018)
- World Bank, Digital Development Learning Days, Washington D.C. (June 2019)
- WSIS Forum, Geneva (2016-2019)