The GCSCC conducted the second trial of its prototype AI Cybersecurity Readiness Metric in Cyprus from 17–18 March 2025, following its initial trial in Mongolia in February. This trial took place at the invitation of the Digital Security Authority (DSA) which is under the supervision of the Commissioner of Communications.
During the focus groups which took place at the DSA offices in Nicosia, GCSCC researchers facilitated discussions on key AI cybersecurity topics, including national cybersecurity risks and strategy, regulation, national incident response, cybersecurity standards and marketplace, risk-control practices within organisations, awareness and behaviours, trust and confidence in digital services, education and professional training, criminal justice, as well as defence and intelligence.
Participants included representatives from government, law enforcement, defence, the private sector, critical national infrastructure, and academia, as well as members of AI and cybersecurity task forces.
Following the workshop, GCSCC will share a summary of the findings, highlighting strengths and challenges identified through the discussions. This engagement also provides an opportunity to refine the metric, which is intended to become a long-term tool for deployment across a broad range of nations in the coming years.
This trial, which was part of an UK-funded AI cybersecurity research programme, marked an important opportunity for GCSCC to return to Cyprus, building on CMM reviews conducted in 2017 and 2021, and to continue its successful collaboration with DSA.
In the coming months, the GCSCC plans further trials and roundtables of the metric. If you would like to learn more about this ongoing work, please contact